Look Out

By chrisf


A very wet early afternoon leaving the Town Hall.

At long last, the area around the Central library is complete - well almost. The flagstones look good very when they are wet (and before the first chewing gum arrives). The long curved benches also look good, and I guess will be popular when they are discovered - and the sun is out. And I like No 1 St Peter's Square - it is big, but I think it's scale works here, and the overall design is simple without frills.

And a piece of sculpture circa 1907 has landed. It is called Adrift, and by John Cassidy. A naked man (apart from a cloth covering his modesty), and a naked man and naked children. Apparently originally called "Humanity adrift on the sea of life" it was originally the central sculpture in Piccadilly Gardens. Then it was shifted to the side of the gardens in 1953, replaced by a new fountain celebrating the Queen's coronation. Then the works to Piccadilly Gardens saw it put into storage, and then re-sited to St Peter's Square near the tram stop. And now it returns to the side of the library - but for how long this time. It's name is very apt !

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