
9.6C starting misty then clearing to a sunny afternoon. Zephyr.

First thing this morning there was a tractor and trailer in the field near the house, with a forklift. All the loose straw from burst bales was being gathered and taken away. I had to think Ploughing would begin soon.

Apothecary7's day off. We went into M&S at City Quay. Coffee then a few groceries. It was very misty in Dundee. We couldn't see across to Fife.

We went home via Broughty Ferry where we took Maeve the Deerhound for a walk along the seafront. Fife was visible. Then, with Maeve safely back in the car, we had a wander ourselves and visited a few charity shops. Christmas cards were bought, and a small ceramic owl was acquired to add to the owl collection.

When we arrived back home I noticed there was a tractor in the field. Ploughing had begun. Once the car was parked and the shopping was in the house I went down the road a hundred yards or so and through a gap in the hawthorn hedge I got some pictures.

After lunch I took Maeve for a short walk. I was glad I had taken a camera. The tractor was turning over by the three trees. Another shot for the Blipfolio (Title 'Ploughing').

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