
Some entomologists that I follow on Twitter have dubbed today #BlackFlyDay. They're actually referring to blood-sucking members of the Simuliidae but I thought I'd join in. This house fly looked black before the flash illuminated it. It's sitting on a Linaria purpurea 'Canon J. Went' floret. I used to grow and sell this plant and it has seeded everywhere.

I went into town to get some silicone grease for the hood rubbers on my car. Big mistake. The mood was black. A black man in a white van berated an old guy who was manoeuvering slowly and cautiously and then blocked him from parking in his chosen place. The air was blue. I should have intervened but was too yellow. After queuing interminably in a temple to tat I felt like I needed to get out to somewhere green. I nearly Blipped a black and white Friday pic of a flock of peewits over Parndon Mill.

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