Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jus' Lookin'...

Delighted to see the local cafe, which closed suddenly and was much missed, is now ready to open under new owners. I was peering in the windows last night when I came home, and the owner invited me in for nosy. I must say, it's a very beautiful coffee machine, so that's promising. And they'll retain the dog friendly vibe! Open on Friday with free cake! Guess where we'll be! (That's a lot of !!!)

Archie had a charge around in the back garden this morning, now that he's all healed. The wind was straight from the Arctic, so we I didn't last long.

We popped down to visit Uncle A, bearing a loaf and some muffins. Archie was somewhat discombobulated with all the branches whizzing around in the gale. He did try, but carrying a three foot multi-twigged branch proved difficult, even for a determined wee dog.

I really should seal the skirting boards of another room... But not having seen a little rodent for days now, I'm sliding into complacency... My new book is calling me...

Archie pokes around the firewood and the coal bucket at every opportunity. So he really can't be in the lounge on his own for any length of time. He also helps himself to small items from the coffee table - pens, pencils and this morning I found him just finishing off a post it note with an important phone number on it...

So here he is, caught in the act of gazing longingly at the coal bucket, but denying it... Looks so innocent.

Those eyebrows are definitely getting out of hand.

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