Christmas is near

I arrived back from India yesterday evening. With the change of time zones (my body convinced it was already the small hours of the morning) and only 4 and a half hours sleep the previous night (after a late arrival at the hotel, and the need to get up early to catch our flight home), I didn't even attempt to download the thousands of photographs I had taken. I just went to bed and slept solidly.

This morning, as a contrast to the pleasant December climate in northern India, I woke up to the task of scraping ice off the windscreen before driving to work.

This evening I have managed to download all the pictures (it took a while) but I have run out of time to review them. I shall be back-blipping my India photographs over the next few days.

In the meantime I have discovered that since I went away (November) Christmas seems to have arrived. All the street decorations are up and illuminated, and even a local pub has this Father Christmas decorating its window. Time to start some Christmas shopping, by the look of it.

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