Christmas Jumper Day

Today got off to a lovely start. Miss E got in for a snuggle and a chat which she doesn't often do anymore.
I suddenly realised it was pretty light and was a bit taken aback to discover it was after 7.30am and I had to get showered, dry my hair, get dressed, get breakfast, get the Little Misses dressed, sort out their party snacks for school, sort their party outfits, sort out Miss E's PE kit, get them into their Christmas jumpers, take a photo, get them to clean their teeth and wash their hands and faces, do their hair and get them into the car.
Unfortunately Miss L skipped a few of the last stages and took herself off into the car after she'd brushed her teeth.
I didn't really think anything of it until I turned round in the car and saw her face was covered with Nutella and her hair was an unbrushed mop! Marvellous!
I am that Mum!
As I live in a perpetual Groundhog Day I went to Milton Keynes and finished my Christmas shopping. Wrapping paper, crackers, last few presents, some sparkly tights and a shiny new necklace for me!
We had a horrible letter from the Letting Agency saying our landlady had grave concerns about the state of the property and was re-thinking her investment.
They don't know I have the landlady's number.
I called her to say the letter had really upset me and she was welcome to come round whenever she likes to check the state of her investment. The house is messy but we haven't trashed it as the letter implied. And we've just paid £400 to the agency to get someone to sort the garden.
She was fine. More worried that the agency aren't doing maintenance that they should be doing.
The sooner we get a house of our own the better.

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