An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Christmas Rush...

I can't believe how manic it is here! Is it just me??!!!!

D's favourite dinner to make tonight in early celebration of his birthday next week.
Finish putting the decs up (yes a week later we are still at it!)
Birthday Pressies for niece to wrap to be given to Ele & Kenny tomorrow night.
Ironing clothes for meal out tomorrow night.
Christmas wrapping of Marion's gifts as seeing her tomorrow and not sure if I'll see her again before Christmas.
Soup to make for tomorrow.
Write the last of the Christmas cards.
Fall into bed exhausted.

Busy weekend too.....out tomorrow night with Ele & Kenny for D's official birthday meal and John and Norma coming for dinner on Sunday.

Then it's Monday again.

Knackered just thinking about it all so I will stop thinking about it.

Have a great weekend peeps. Once again I'm hoping to be able to escape to blip for a little respite from the weekend. Fingers crossed. xxx

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