and I was walking in the darkest day I remember have seen. But I had to go out on this errand, and why not walk a bit longer, take a different route and there she was, sailing into the tree not far from where I walked. Slowly I came nearer and she was so busy that she did not bother to stop eating.
Not an easy task to take a picture of her, but it had been such a long time ago that I have had this opportunity and it was Obvious she had to be my blip.
On my way back I walked along the pond and the geese and swan family and other waterbirds loved to eat the oat flakes I brought.
No one could force me to go out after lunch and no one tried in fact.
Piet Hein was very brave to cycle to the beach and walk for a short time there. He told me that I had seen two other (mad) persons who walked there too.

My haiku:

No oats for the parrot
A walnut would do perhaps
Strange exotic bird

And the quote by Alfred de Musset in 'A mon frere revenant d'Italie:

The return makes one love the farewell.

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