All that I'm after...

By AllThatImAfter


"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."
~Ramona L. Anderson

My blip is a shadow of the wonder I saw today. Birds hopping about within feet of me, looking for something to eat. Wasps humming along, doing what they do best, though I'm not the fondest of them. Sunshine on my skin and a gentle breeze as well. The sounds and smells of spring.

I saw the beauty and enjoyed it immensely. Spent a few hours on the phone with my parents then a few in the sun with my book. It was just one of those days where the urge to capture it all had less to do with my camera and more to do with my soul.

Saw the trail from the passing plane and though of those of you traveling this weekend. I hope ya'll had safe journeys. So a sky blip for you. Great peace and calm for me. I feel refreshed and renewed. On this day of days at that. A funny thing, this life is...

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