A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Nearly back on blip track

Am starting to get haunted by being behind on blipping. Before I trigger horrid childhood memories of not having done my homework I am on a backblip mission.

Will also hopefully end the day in a productive blip-way. Which will suit the mode of the rest of the day. First day back at work after a week of not doing any and I managed to, er, not do any. Ooops. The urge to deal with the behindness of our household admin and to slightly address the chaos of our freshly decorated and frozen house was too great. Am enjoying the feeling of being 'caught up' and am looking forward to mirroring the feeling from a work perspective tomorrow. What can I say, I'm an optimist.

One of the things I did today was to hang some pictures. I photographed all three and learned how very difficult a task that is. This one just about made the pass as there is no glass and so there were slightly fewer lighting issues. I don't feel I've done the painting justice at all but you'd need to visit my home office/loft room to really appreciate the richness of the colours. You're welcome, of course, but not tomorrow, I have work to do.

Carl and I bought this painting on holiday in Cornwall a month before Jackson was born. Back in the days when we spent money we hadn't got on original art. These days it turns out we do that on new boilers. But try telling Jackson it's better to be a kid - he doesn't see beyond the wonder of being able to choose your own bedtime.

Anyway, enough for now. There's back-blipping to be done.

Lesley x

EDIT - also, you get to see a glimpse of the colour most of our house has been painted. Just for clarity, it's not cream, it's Clunch. And no, I haven't done that justice either but really it's lovely.

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