Cloudy with a few drops of rain

Back to the park today to experiment with the buttons, bells, and whistles on my new camera. I had a lot of fun, and got four images that I consider keepers...well, maybe three and one-half. The squirrel is a little soft. This camera is a slight bit heavier than my other DSLR, and with my arm not fully strong enough yet, I am a little shaky. Therefore, so is the camera, and camera shake doesn't produce very sharp images. You can see the other three keepers here if you have the time.

Good report from the physical therapist yesterday. She was full of praise for my progress, and I have graduated to home maintenance. Must continue to do my exercises for the next month at least, gradually increasing the weight and number of repetitions. Serious pain ensues when I overdo though. It woke me up at 5:00 am today. Erg! Thoroughly frustrating! But my range of motion is really good, and I am getting stronger bit-by-bit.

Off now to read the guide book to my camera and learn more about those bells and whistles. Goodnight, Blippers. I hope you have had a wonderful day today (or tomorrow as the case may be).

PS For those who may wonder, this doe is not Rascaletta. I didn't see her today.

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