Looking like spring, but...

...but definitely not feeling much like it. Our weather turned topsy-turvy again today, and nobody was in the park. Well, almost nobody. We saw two couples walking the trails and two or three runners in the 45 minutes we wandered around. The birds weren't chirping or flying from tree to tree, and even the squirrels were quiet. I came home with very few pictures to share, but I thought this one makes a good blip for today. You can see some signs of spring, and that's a very good thing. It cheers me up. We've looked forward to spring for weeks and weeks. It's here at last, but unfortunately it took today off! In a few days, it will return.

Despite the 44 degrees temps that are supposed to hang around for a few more days and the mostly grey skies, we enjoyed our walk and were glad we went to the park. Whatever season it is where you live, I hope you are enjoying it.

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