
I used to think it strange when I was a teenager that the capital city of what was then one of Europe's most staunchly Catholic countries didn't have a cathedral building for the predominant faith. How things have changed! All the scandals which have come to light over the past twenty years or so have contributed to a huge falling-off in church attendance and fundamental respect for the Church itself. Now there would be a massive outcry if any of the many proposals for building a cathedral were to be resurrected. So I guess we're stuck with just a Pro-Cathedral. I poked the camera through the railings to get this shot. I've no idea what the foreground sculptural piece is about, or if it's dedicated to one individual or intended to convey a more general message. Whatever it signifies, I liked the contrast between it and the people coming out of the building.

I was passing by because I had to dash in to town searching for back-copies of The Irish Examiner to read some background material for a job which broke yesterday. My ex-boss from the Irish Life days contacted me to wear my copy-editing hat and help him with a paper he's preparing for a Planning Conference next week. Holding his hand, advising him which direction to take and how to structure his argument - all this ate into my time and prevented me from attending to other jobs which have been simmering for too long on the back burner.

Having calmed this client down, I turned to one of the other jobs, then returned to it later in the night, finishing work at 3.00 am. That's why I'm only posting this on Friday morning. Off to cardiac rehab now. Hope to do some commenting later.

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