Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Petals are Gone

Today we attended the memorial celebration for our friend Al Grout, who died because of cancer that was caused by chemicals that he was exposed to during his days as a U.S. Marine in the Vietnam War.

Of course the memorial celebration was a wonderful time of reflection, with friends sharing stories about Al -- how he had enriched their lives.

We've known Al, his wife Lynn, and their son Michael for 35 years. We met Al when we started going to the same church that he & Lynn attended. The day that we became members there, Al came up to congratulate and welcome me and he kissed me on the lips, which completely blew me away. Kissing on the lips might be a custom in other countries or cultures, but not so much in America. So it caught me completely by surprise. In the years that followed, I've told the stories many times -- how Al kissed me on the lips that day back in 1975 when we were all so young.

We've watched each other's children grow-up and spent lots of time together over the years. Al sometimes would write a column for the Bass Fishing Newsletter. He often would talk with me about writing. So he and I had a mutual respect for one another.

I started using the nickname "Rosie" in my writing a number of years ago, and Al was one of the few people who would always called me by that nickname. It also became a custom that whenever Mr. Fun & I would see Al, he would say to me, "On the lips!" I knew he was referring to giving him a kiss, not just a hug. It became a term of endearment.

So on Monday, April 5, when Mr. Fun & I went to see Al in the hospital at Loma Linda University Medical Center we had a good visit with him. It was obvious Al was not doing well, but as we were preparing to leave his room and saying our goodbyes, I was again surprised and also pleased, as I went to hug Al goodbye, he said to me, "Rosie, on the lips!" and I kissed him goodbye. At that moment it never occurred to me that I would never see Al on earth again. I do believe in eternity, so I have no doubt that I will again see Al and that knowledge made today one tremendous celebration.

When we arrived back home this afternoon, I walked all around our backyard clicking photos of beautiful blossoms. When I downloaded the camera, some were quite clear and lovely, but for some reason I had clicked the remains of a dead rose -- with all its petals and fragrance gone. This seems so apropos for today.

Today my page is in honor of Allan H. Grout -- my forever "on the lips!" friend.

Thank you for reading this far.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

Quick Edit: Al did not give me the nickname, but when I started using it -- he immediately started referring to me as "Rosie."

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