Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

One Small Crawl for Baby...

....One Giant Panic for Mother-Kind

Okay so Lyra is not full on crawling yet, but having spent the last few weeks constantly flipping herself onto her front and urging herself to crawl, something has finally clicked and Lyra has learnt, overnight, how to use her legs to propel herself forwards when she's on her belly.

I know nothing about babies. I've never had one, my friends don't have them, I've never been one (okay, maybe that last one's a lie, but my parents tell me I was more grown up than them by the age of four). In my naivety, I thought baby mobility started many months later than this.

It would seem not. Cue... mother panic... time to put away the Ming Vases and to hang the Picasso out of reach.

This picture was taken as Lyra crawled hauled herself towards me. (I will not be one of those lying boastful mothers).


I have been busy back blipping today:

You must never go down to the end of the town
"Aunties" (including the story of why I started taking a photo a day)
Baby's Best Friend
Tears Before Bedtime
Lyra and Maxwell the Bear
Lyra's First Bath
Looking Diddy with Daddy
Sweet Dreams

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