a town called E.

By Eej


The tendency and necessity of the Dutch to reclaim land resulted in the area I was born in. It used to be a ginormous lake that on bad days flooded either Amsterdam on the one side, or Leiden on the other.
In 1852 it was all gone though the name it has now is the name it had then: Haarlemmermeer (Haarlem's Lake)
And even though I was born in a small town in that area, my place of birth in my passport will always say Haarlemmermeer as well.

Today I showed the Beloved the house my parents lived in since I was 11 months old and that my mom left in 2006.
The Tour the Lisserbroek is a short one: apart from the house, my kindergarten (now a Kingdom Hall for Jehovah's Witnesses), and my school there's not a whole lot there.
We walked out of town to the Olmenhorst, which is an apple orchard with extras that was hosting a Spring Fair. Two of my sisters met up with us there and the Beloved (poor thing) referred to us as a 'pack of trouble'
Then we went to our mom's house and waited for her to come home so we could surprise her and eat apple-pie.

It was another fun-filled day and I'm burnt to a crisp in such a way that I can think you can fry an egg on me. Stupid me.
Then again, my sunburn is so proverbial and legendary that it only seems right I should walk around like this in the week I am here.
But I'm still getting sunscreen tomorrow :/

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