Around the Block

By Barrioboy

La Crisis

The crisis is biting hard in Spain, even more so these days than last year, and worry is widespread in many sectors including among los taxistas. Paco, above, is waiting for his next ride at a rank in the posher part of Barcelona; even here business is slow moving and he still has a few of the famous black and yellow painted cars in front of him. He reckons he is 40% down on average takings, you never know with taxi drivers but the look on his face says to me that there is more than a grain of truth in what he says.

As regards the photo's qualities, I'm aware there is no light in his eyes (which seems to be the norm for a decent portrait) and would appreciate your views on whether you think the lack of light adversely impacts a lot...I decided to use it as the theme is 'worry' and the dark eyes seemed to fit...

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