
By Instography


You know how it is: a bit late to bed last night, a bit of a poor sleep and awake early this morning. All it takes is a busy day and minor disappointments turn into full-blown traumas. But enough about me. Poor wee Ellen's over-tired. She's been at nursery for an extra session already this week and had a full day today. All that playing just takes it right out of you. So it's all drama and tears before bedtime. This is her coming for a cuddle after not getting the sweetie she felt she deserved and needed. She still didn't get it but as soon as she saw herself on the computer it was all forgotten. Stories and bed.

Delphwynd will want to know that I took a wander along Thistle Street this morning and found yesterday's bloke face down in the gutter. I retrieved him (after taking a photo, of course) and took him back to the office. His name was on the back so a bit of a rummage in Google and Facebook gives him a history and a life.

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