Under the weather

Yesterday, I started to get a sore throat. The annoying cough started and I just felt plain blah.

This morning, I woke up at 10.25, to my puppy dog alarm clock. Fair dos he'd need to go and do what a dog needs to do.

I fed the boys and then made the suggestion that we all get back into bed together.

We finally surfaced just after 2 pm. I feel dizzy and sore and blah.

I've lit the fire but it's still darned cold in here. The boys have gone back to bed, Cousteau in the lounge, Pio by the fire.

I have SO MUCH TO DO!!! My head feels like it's in a fog and the more I stress about all the things I need to do, the fuzzier my head becomes and the less gets done.

Oh well, I thought you might enjoy a double portrait of my snuggly boys, enjoying their rare time on the bed together.

I thought I'd put an effect on the shot to soften it somewhat, but it's only made it come out looking out of focus. Which is kind of how I feel today so probably is appropriate. Either way, can't be bothered to change it. Sorry.

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