Riding high

The weather turned out better than the forecast said it would. There was a bit of rain during the night (rain? what's that?), but far less than we'd been warned to expect. Things dried up quickly, the sun broke through at intervals, and it was still pleasantly warm.

Despite all that, it was late in the day before I left the house. I had no reason to go out apart from (a) being without a blip and (b) being in need of a walk. I just drove the car in the direction it was pointing from when it was last parked on the street and somehow ended up on the back roads which skirt Dublin Airport. I have thought I might get a blip or two of planes landing or taking off, but it was actually quite difficult to find a decent vantage point with a view which wasn't hampered by the protective fences around the airport perimeter. At least I got a bit of a walk in while exploring the possibilities, but the closest I got to blipping a plane was a Ryanair takeoff which just wasn't blippable from the point I was at at the time.

It was just as well this recovery truck had stopped in front of me earlier while stopped at traffic lights. The view out my windscreen was unusual enough that the camera decided it was blippable.

Hopefully I'll get some sort of blip mojo back again soon, because I really do feel things have been falling off recently. Must try harder!

p.s. I've back-blipped Tuesday and Wednesday.

p.p.s. How can it possibly be July already!?

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