occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

The Pearl Cup

I realize most of you can read. However, I couldn't think of anything else to title this.
The cappuccino did not measure up to Coffeehouse NW standards. I do not think I will be going there again. Next up - Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters (if they have a coffee bar in house).

"Would you like anything to eat this morning?"

"Yes, I would like a peanut butter and nutella panino please."

"A panini?"

"No, just one panino will be enough."

Yeah, okay, I realize I might be obnoxious about panino/panini. Just get it right or pay the price. I also don't know why I keep trying to like nutella. It's okay. I would never get that again. I really wanted an omelette.
I went home and made one... but not before I bought a surprise for my camera!

The camera store I stopped by had Hahnemuhle paper. It's my favorite to print on (Fine Art Pearl specifically). They also had a 50mm f/1.4 G lens that I picked up. She's a beauty. I am SO excited to start snapping with it. Who's going to be my first subject? Aside from the thyme on my kitchen counter that is.

Runners up on my flicka:


Something I mentioned in my blip that I posted for yesterday:
A daily list of five things that make me happy:
1. It's overcast today so it's only felt like 88 degrees outside instead of 105.
2. From working with the herbs in my little garden on my balcony, my hands smell fragrantly of fresh mint and basil.
3. Nikon 50mm f/1.4 - can't wait to use it.
4. I woke up happy this morning.
5. I have homemade chicken and dumplings in the fridge to eat for dinner... and I'm going to make a quattro formaggio grilled..cheese sandwich. (Difficult not to be redundant on that one.)

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