You've Got The Talking Down

...Just not the listening...

During an awful blipless frightfest at 11:30 in anthonys basement I tried getting something of substance...but then remembered I had taken this before i left my house...and although its not exciting by all means...its pretty...and we can all use some pretty sometimes. =]

Have you voted for my doggy Bella in the cutest dog competition yet??? If not I think you should consider it. Each vote puts me closer to winning and it'd be greatly appreciated =] here is how...
Register takes only a minute or two!!
Then click here to vote for save vote to vote!! =]
You can vote three times each day so remember to come back and vote =] Thank you!!!

"Bottom line is that couples that are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else. But the big difference is they don't let it take them down."

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