a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Off to school!

Well....I made it! Jack went to school today for the first time (by himself!). I have to say that I was so happy for him....he wasn't upset at all, actually he was pretty excited! No tears, no holding onto my leg.....nothing!! :):)

The morning was pretty rough though.....

We were told we'd have a 12:08 p.m. bus pickup....it was about 11:30 and Jack had just started working on his PBJ sandwich at the table. The dog started barking uncontrollably, so I figured it was my Mom and Sister pulling in the driveway. NOPE!!! It was the bus....40 minutes early!

By the time I got to the door, it was already driving down the road. We missed the bus!!!! I called the school, pretty angry about the bus coming so early. They sent the bus back to pick him up.

Does it end there??? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I went outside with Jack, holding my camera bag, his backpack, and my purse and fell down the cement steps. I twisted my ankle, and dropped my camera! Think that is all that could go wrong? Nope, as I am limping around, Jack starts crying....not because he was nervous about school...but a bee stung him on his lip! We brought him in quickly to put ice on it, but had to get right back out for the bus.

Thankfully, at that point, everything went smoothly. He happily got on the bus and gave a wave as he drove off. I met him at the school and he was more than excited to get to his class! No tears, nothing!!!

I guess all my worrying was for nothing!! That's my big boy!!!

If you are interested, check out the pictures from this morninghere!

And thankyou everyone, your kind words of encouragement in the last week about this special day were so appreciated!!!

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