Anatomy of a hangover...

Wake up from uncomfortable sleep. Is it hot in here?
Is my brain being crushed inside my skull?
Get up, lie down. Get up, sit down. Stay up, lie down. Should I venture on or stay and fight the pain?

Get on the bus or savour the air and get the next one.
Venture on.
Ferry Toll, eyes closed, peek out,
Crammond, eyes closed, peek out,
The constant and unavoidable chatter soothes and re-directs my thoughts from my pain. Queensferry Street, at last, my fresh saviour air.


You'd think that one of the plus sides of negligible drinking would be lack of hangovers but I'm getting lovely regular, head crippling hangovers from skateboarding. If anyone knows of any good hangover preventions I'm all ears because skateboarding would be a lot harder for me to give up than alcohol and don't intend on doing it any time soon.

I must say, the cholesterol-tastic haggis and fried egg roll for breakie sorted me out and by time the BlipMeet curry was done and dusted I was feeling rather fleet of foot.

Notes on the Picture...
This line of bikes was sitting at the entrance to Princes Street Gardens from King's Stables Road. I checked with one of the large group of motor-mounty-cops that it was okay to do it which he was more than agreeable. We suspected they were on some Papal related exercise which turned out to be pretty accurate when they came up the road a few minutes later in a familiar formation.

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