
By Barking

Green Card

Green is supposed to be a calming colour. Good. I'm feeling inexplicably antsy today. I need some calming vibes.

I'm making cards for my seniors (40 of them) to wish them luck for their exams. I've chosen green. I've never looked so closely at the cut card before. The textures are amazing and the different tones of green echo the greens outdoors right now.

Off to Hanmer tomorrow to catch up with Canterbury, KiwiDino and Pixelsmiths - maybe ...

Just can't seem to settle. I feel like a dragonfly hovering over everything but not really getting involved.

Maybe I'll take the dog for a walk.

Edit: I've just chased the dog madly around the living room. He's now chewing his ill gotten gains, waiting for it all to start again. Amazing how they can cheer you up and snap you out of the doldrums, isn't it?


LOTD: Canterbury's glittering sand/sea combo.

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