Birthday gift

I've lived away from my family, on the other side of the world, for over ten years now. It's hard every day and I miss them. This is where my life is now, though, and I love living in New Zealand. I can't imagine being anywhere else. In saying that, I don't like to say 'never', so ...

Anyhoo, it's getting harder and harder for my parents and sister (my brother just doesn't bother, which I guess makes it easier for him) to buy me Birthday/Christmas presents.

I had the brainwave that were they to buy me a Pandora bracelet, then we could just add charms as and when, which would make me think of them every time I wore it.

Yesterday, I went out and bought the bracelet (ma is going to pay for it, but this way it saves on p&p). I am not going to get it out of its pretty box until my Birthday, in a couple of weeks' time.

Okay, this is your bit - I'm trying to think which charm I should get first. Some of you have known me for over three years. Suggestions would be most welcome!

Had a good chat with Ma this morning and with my big sis' on Skype.

Have been procrastinating re study, as per usual. I've done some ...

Made my Christmas cards though, which is a good thing.

Last day for postage to the UK always creeps up on me.

Right, back to it.

Oh yes, we just had a 4.8 jolt. Those unnerving 'aftershocks', which would be earthquakes in their own right, were they not in the wake of the 'big one', are still going strong.


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