Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Burning Bush?

Well, actually not a burning bush at all, but an impressive autumnal sight. It set me wondering what the world would be like if trees had evolved to be red instead of green most of the time. Would our eyes have evolved differently, would different people have different favourite colours? Hmm, too many questions!

Anyway, here is the obligatory "autumn leaves" blip! I took it on the way to my appointment with the "Community Mental Health Team helping me back to work person" this morning. She's actually really nice, and it's good to be thinking of ideas as to what I can actually DO!

Meantime, the home schedule continues apace. More words for the crazy NaNoWriMo book, hoovering of the sitting room & washing of the rug, lists & sorting done, another half-hour brisk walk, another day without sweets!

The only thing that was a bit rum about today was that it started rather earlier than expected - my setting of the new sunrise alarm clock was a bit skewed, so our bedroom was flooded with bright fake sunshine at about 5 this morning! Of course, since I'm solar powered, I was wide awake and bouncing around. Poor poor Wonderspouse! I've reset it now, so hopefully it'll come on at the right time tomorrow morning - fingers crossed!

However, when it suddenly went off again just before we really did have to get up, my collection of glow-in-the-dark rubber ducks glowed beautifully, which was rather nice!

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