Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Dale House and Dale Cottage

Very changeable weather today. One minute the rain/hail was lashing down and the next minute the sun was shining. I kept thinking I would go for a walk (with Dickie of course) and then changing my mind. Eventually I got all togged up with full waterproofs and we set off. It hardly rained in the hour we were out. Himself still managed to get very muddy.

As we walked down the main street the sun suddenly shone very brightly and fully on Dale House (and Cottage) which are the oldest houses in our village. They were built in 1664, altered in the 19th century and you can see that the cottage on the right had new windows in the 20th century.

My friend, M, who lives here does a wonderful job with the garden. It has a real feel of an English cottage garden and the hedges on either side of the path are magic.

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