Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Charm and glitter...

Charming is the word which sums up my friend's little girl. Henry worships the ground she walks on. He's always wanted a sister. I was actually photographing H and she said, 'Take me please,' and flashed me her 1000KW smile. Totally adorable.

Today was the day of The Great Grant Glitter Disaster...capitalisation totally intended. Henry was busy making stuff with glue and card and I was cooking and chatting with H, and periodically stopping Noah from whacking the dog on the head with a ladle...normal day really.

Then Noah made a bee line for the open pot of gold glitter. I spotted him, H spotted him and both of us made a grab for him but he had the advantage that he was clutching the ladle and WHACK...we watched the glitter pot soar into the air in slow motion before crashing down to earth and depositing its contents over...well...everything. I was glittery, H was glittery and the dog looked very pretty indeed.

Given that glitter has a half life of around 8 million years I will no doubt still be hoovering up the aftermath of today when H and Noah are married with children of their own...<sigh>

Later, as I picked bits of glitter from my hair and eyebrows I realised that very possibly this was as glamorous as Christmas was going to get this year! I think I might cry ;-)

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