Fishing boats

Bitterly cold out this afternoon, with a biting wind and temperatures set to fall to -5 overnight. That was out around Howth, where I went for a change for today's walk. I parked at the start of the West Pier and walked up to the end, saying hello to the seals on the way and getting a few shots in the can. When I got back to the car after that little wander I foudn myself in more sheltered conditions and kept on along the front up to the beginning of the East Pier, then on to Abbey Street and up to the Martello tower which says it houses a 'vintage radio' museum. Whatever about the museum, the views over Howth are pretty good from up there, and I managed to get a few more shots in before my fingers started to turn blue.

I was feeling quite chuffed with myself by the time I got back home. The walk could definitely be described as 'bracing', and I felt a real sense of satisfaction and well-being just from having gone out in the first place. I actually did a few work-related things because my mood was so good. Before I know it I'll be fully back in the swing of things.

Best when bigified.

I'm all too aware that there's still an unsightly December gap to be attended to. In the mean time, rather than allow a January one to develop also, I've back-blipped recent days:

Evening boat
Clontarf evening

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