Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax


I think it may have been a mistake to wait to take my photograph until after I had finished the yard work. Nearly all of the leaves have fallen from the trees, leaving no more than a handful of diehards still holding on, so it was time to clean up and make the yard look neat and tidy.

With the leaves raked up and collected in plastic sacks, I could turn my attention to photography. At least, I thought I could. But you know, I felt just so uninspired. It made me think of the Traffic song (Sometimes I Feel So) Uninspired.

Sometimes I feel so uninspired
Sometimes I feel like giving up.
Sometimes I feel so very tired
Sometimes I feel like I've had enough.

I did spot one possibility but by the time I had gone back into the house to fetch my Canon and then cleaned the filter on the lens, what had been blue sky with wispy white clouds had turned into sky filled with grey cloud.

In the end, I resorted to a reprise of yesterday's blip -- the jonquils. I did fancy seeing what the Zeiss lens could do with them. The rendition is a lot better but with a 50mm lens, I was unable to get close enough to fill the screen with these tiny flowers.

So apologies all round. I will try to do better tomorrow. Promise. :-)

Zeiss Planar T* ZE 1,4/50.

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