Hope and ruins

Today was another weird one.

I woke up, kind of hoping that it had all been a nightmare and that I would wake to a bright day, full of hope and sunshine.

I didn't.

The TV spoke of doom and gloom. The death toll had risen. The missing, presumed dead, in the hundreds.

Rae, B and I headed into town to go and get some of Rae's stuff from her munted house and to pick up Brother X so that he could come and stay with a family out here.

The devastation was awful. People shovelling liquefaction out of their driveways and onto the street. Shocked and stressed faces all around.

We took a couple of Cousteau's leads in case we found any disoriented dogs running around. We didn't.

This is the chimney at the Chapel we go to on Sundays. It has fallen through the fence and caused a bit of a mess. Apart from broken bricks, wood and glass though, it has escaped relatively well.

We continue to watch the gruesome happenings on the television. Bodies being removed from destroyed buildings.

Then the worst news. Two people we know. One trapped (presumed dead) in a building. The other rescued. One of her legs amputated to facilitate the rescue. Her future looking very grim.

I know one of them. The other I have just heard of in conversation.

But I do know the people affected by their loss very well.

We're all in shock. I don't know if this is even making any sense.

Right now, I'm not sure I really care.

School is out until Monday.

Hope: a flower clinging to the tiniest of ledges. A survivor in the most unlikely of circumstances.

Ruins: A crumbling chimney. Indicative of the lives of so many which will never be the same again.

Eternal rest, grant to them Oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.


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