creative lenna

By creativelenna

quilt guild meeting . . . .

This is one of the members at the Friendship Knot Quilter's Guild meeting in Sarasota showing us the very large quilt she finished. Somehow the lighting and my distance from the quilt made this strange but artistic swirl in the fabric . . . that I rather liked!

It was a fun evening! I was the guest of Helen Lucas. She and her friends made a quilt that was the subject of an earlier blip! I brought a few fabric ATCs (artist trading cards), a quiltie book and my Journal quilts which were well received by this more traditional quilt making crowd. There was a speaker too, Barbara Vlack who spoke about EQ - Electric Quilt: using a computer to help design quilts. I think this is what my friend Frieda uses sometimes?? Even though I do not design quilts of this magnitude I still found it very interesting. Nice people too, thanks again Helen!!

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