Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

It's been a long hard day........ what I imagine this bee is thinking as it continues to work into the late evening. I know that I blipped another bumblebee very recently, but I like this image because it shows the pollen and it shows one of my favourite perennial geraniums. We have several different varieties and they all seem to like our garden.

I've been mainly gardening today with a few breaks for the computer and to finish Room by Emma Donoghue. (Very mixed feelings about this despite the excellent reviews it has received, but that's probably me returning to the day job in my mind!)

Kindle arrived today so I can start my next book on that. Very exciting.

Enjoyed the footage on Springwatch, but I do wish the presenters did not feel the need to use superlatives for absolutely everything....... We can see for ourselves how wonderful nature is. (Grouch over.)

Night, night (as I once heard Jeremy Paxman say on Newsnight!)

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