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By teamdel

Babies and Lollys

Today was also a big day for Toddler as she had to have some jabs at the doctors. These were the first ones that she would be actually aware of having so we were a little worried about it.

Thankfully Wife got a great tip from a friend about taking Toddler to pick a lolly on the way to the doctors that she could look at whilst having her injections and eat straight afterwards. She is clearly better than me with needles and did all this very well, like the big brave girl she is, and was soon enjoying her banana and chocolate lolly. Wife then took her to a cafe for an extra treat.

Today had also started very excitedly with the news that our local veg man have had their baby. We are all overjoyed about this and can't wait to meet the new addition. Our Baby is so pleased about the news that he is already getting some practice in playing with a little friend. By the sounds of things mother, baby and even father are all well after an eventful night. I think maybe the new Mum probably deserves a lolly too!

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