Augustus miserabilis

Managed to take in a show this morning, albeit one with the child #2 while Madame took the eldest to see Jacqueline Wilson. We saw a shadow puppet show which was enjoyable and it was impressive what htey did with paper sticks and light. Luckily our eldest got the opportunity to have a book signed by the author which meant them hanging around in the August cold for at least an hour, beside other souls in sandals.

'It couldn't have been much worse...' said Madame.

In true pantomime style I retorted 'Oh yes it could!' and so it was, all afternoon.

So a stinker of a day. I feel sorry for the poor people who have come to this city expecting something like August warmth, it just didn't happen this year at all, for any length of time. That said, nothing in comparison to the US.

Now I have a heap of clothes the size of a small bungalow to try to iron.

Oh how I danced about in my shorts pretending it was a summer month for real to the magnificent heat of October


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