Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Another One!

Last night, as the Wonderspouse walked to the kitchen, there was a loud "CRACK" noise, and he was suddenly very worried about what he'd broken. It turned out it was only this cat toy, so I reassured him that it really didn't matter, and it was their own fault for leaving it in the way and that it would make a good blip in any case!

It's happened before! Fortunately the Wonderspouse was unhurt this time.

Today has been a bit of a low day. I'm tired, the house is a mess but I don't have the energy to clean it. The car still makes clunking noises and I feel like I have to listen carefully now in case it's actually coming apart again - especially as we're visiting the in-laws this week, so there's long driving ahead. I'd have loved to swim this morning, but the pool is now closed for winter. I checked the bank accounts this morning and can't see a way we'll get through to New Year (when I might start earning again) without borrowing more. I've stripped the bed and wish it would magically remake itself. The digital TV thing starts happening this week and I could really do without that at the moment - yet more time & money required. I need to do the last maths assignment by the end of the week and my brain is being recalcitrant even though I keep poking it. And it's getting darker in the mornings - horribly dark and gloomy - I even put the lightbox on this morning - even though it's not particularly cold, I'm missing sunny summer mornings and feeling slightly edgy about the challenges this autumn is going to bring.

I did give the rat cage a good clean this morning though. However worn out and feeble I feel, I won't let my little men down. Charlie's currently moving stuff around in the bottom of the cage (he's very particular about where things go), and Moses is doing that really cute rat thing of lying in the hammock with his nose poking just over the edge!

I've also eaten two of the remaining cupcakes - there's just one left now! It'll be sad when they're gone - but we'll have more at some point, it's been such a treat having them.

So now it's mid-afternoon, and time to make myself do some useful stuff rather than sitting here feeling sorry for myself. However much I want everything to get sorted by magic, I have a feeling that the only real solution is a strong cup of tea and some hard work.

Such is life!

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