Count your blessings

Today a Priest reminded me to count my blessings. Once he got me thinking on it, I realised just how blessed I am. As I type, a tired Vizsla is making the most of what is left of the sun; a sleepy cat is watchfully eyeing up a female blackbird, with no real need or intention of catching it. I've just had a wonderful beach walk with JL. My house is warm, clean and welcoming. To name but a few ...

I'm cooking tea for M tonight; not 100% sure what I'll cook, but it'll be something simple, that's for sure.

I've been productive today. Three loads of washing, plus a clean and tidy of the kitchen, lounge and bathroom. Tomorrow I have a heap of marking to do, so I thought I'd get the tiresome chores out of the way today.

I had lunch with AS, which was great. We've been talking about catching up for almost a year. Thanks for suggesting it today, AS. :)

Anyway, this shot of Cousteau (wide-eyed) and his sister, Lenci (laughing at him) was just too classic to resist. I just love his expression, and for some reason, I just want to put the Benny Hill theme tune behind it!

Have a good one, people.


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