Big Rob takes the blip

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This is the male robin of the back garden - Little Larry resides in the front, as far as I know they never meet so don't need to compete, yet anyway! I knew him last year, he was shy, yet willing to come close for food, especially when he was feeding his young, his Mrs Loopy Lou (26th May 2011) was a rather scraggy robin, I haven't seen her for a few months... But anyway, over the past few weeks Big Rob has been getting ever closer to me & today he stood on the ground looking up at me, I told him to fly on the post - & he did! Yes, I am a robin whisperer it's been confirmed! ;-)

As for top robin - Little Larry:

Just the sweetest bird

Thanks for all the great comments from my blip of yesterday - I see frogs - glad I'm not the only one who saw them & thank you so much to those of you who identified that they were leaf miners! :) xx

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