Cold Change

This is my second attempt at a blip today. I mistakenly signed out at the preview stage on my first go. How annoying.

So, here we go again.

This is a cold front moving in across the bay from the south west and heading out to sea. At last check it was 11 deg/c. Brrr. I am not a big fan of cold weather. Apparently it won't last though. This is sunny Queensland after all. August is usually the coldest month of the year and give or take a few days we are just about there.

I was going to take my motorbike for a blast this morning but thought better of it. The pleasure would have been diminished when my extremities froze.

Monday. The start of the working week. After last week I am convinced that management is punishing me for coming back refreshed from my hoilday. Or perhaps just for taking a holiday in the first place. They seem bent of beating me into submission (like so many other staff). I am determined to keep my chin up though and as always, do the best I can do. While I was away four more people resigned, but one of them was pursuaded to stay. So the staggering cycle of staff turnover continues. My turn will come although I am hell bent on completing my contract and finishing my trade. That takes me through till September 09. If something better comes along which would allow me to finish my trade well maybe... I am not looking at the moment though.

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