
By Barking

School's out

A lot of kids were away today because of the inclement weather. School was open but our class sizes were seriously diminished.

My Year 9 (14 years old) class and I did some colouring by numbers during their lesson. They learned their colours in the process and revised numbers 1 to 20. Not bad for a colouring lesson.

We were all clock watching.

3.20 - school's out.

After school the staff had a Quiz in the staffroom as a fundraiser. Fun, but I realised how rubbish I am at general knowledge. I feel quite dumb now, though I did get the 'Over the Hedge' question right. Great. I know my cartoons. Very cultured. I don't think anyone will be rushing to have me on their team in the future.

I'm working all day tomorrow at the Alliance Francaise. Marking a speaking comp. I've booked a massage afterwards though - bliss.

Bon weekend a tous.

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