When you have lived in a town all your life, it isn't surprising that you know a lot of people, so I've had a lovely morning meeting people I have known for many years.  

We had to go to the showroom to sort out our new shower, as there was a little hiccup, but after that Mr. HCB dropped me into the town centre.  My first stop, of course, was to have a coffee and the place I go to is in the middle of the shopping mall so there is always plenty going on and lots of people to see. 

I hadn't been there for long before a couple at the next table made a comment about a Post-it note they saw and which I had left there a couple of weeks ago.  I told them I left them all over the place, and they said it was a nice thing to do and we got chatting, as you I do!

A few minutes later, my friend, Caroline, passed by, saw me and sat down but said she could only stay a few minutes, as she had an appointment;  hopefully next week we will be able to go out and spend more time together.  

As she got up to leave, Roger, an old friend, from schooldays came and sat down, and he too said he couldn't stay for long (he ended up staying for half an hour, so I blipped him - that'll serve him right!)  

After that a mutual friend was passing, saw Roger, realised it was me with him so mentioned the article in the newspaper a couple of days ago and the friend with her I had known since youth club days, so quite a hubbub of chatting and a pleasant way to spend a dull, grey and rainy day.  So sorry "Derelict Thursday" you will have to wait until next week, or the week after!

Looking forward to another blipmeet at the weekend with Yvonne, who is going to take a birthday present out to our son in Bangkok, as it's his birthday at the end of February.  

I can never understand why people, and especially those who are retired, find life boring - mine is anything but!

In everyone’s life, at some time,
our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame
by an encounter with another human being.
We should all be thankful
for those people who
rekindle the inner spirit.

Albert Schweitzer

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