The Big Dinner

Edi Stark, now of the BBC, who I know from way back in my Inverurie and her Northsound Radio days, used to run a 'pop up' Supper Club, in Bruntsfield, with friends.  She resurrected it tonight as her friend Olivia Giles founded the charity 500 Miles which launched The Big Dinner being held across the country to raise £500,000 to help people in Malawi and Zambia with mobility difficulties and artificial limbs.  8 guests sat down to a fabulous African inspired dinner.  My photo doesn't do justice to it.  It would have been better if I'd stood up and blipped the group.  Mango and carrot cold soup, rice, fish, chicken, veg, milk tart, plantain pancakes, that's as much as I can remember and it was delicious.  the company was also very interesting. Conservators from the National Galleries just back from setting up an exhibition in San Fran, a part time GP, an estate agent, a Kiwi who works for the NHS and, the only male, a doer and fixer for Edinburgh Leisure who has a very interesting project involving drones out at EICA.   It was almost last bus time by the time I left and the evening ended with being nearly blown off my feet on the walk down from Kaimes.

Definitely the best bit of the day. Previously, I'd slept really badly, bad stomach and gales meant a very broken night.  I'd started with a swim, first for ages, a visit to the Manor (bit gloomy there) and then home to watch the wind and rain. And then I came home to do domestic stuff and not much else.  And for once it was me that went out on a Saturday night, while #2 and #3 son stayed at home. 

The Big Dinner had an auction.  I didn't bid.  The 2 lots that had the most bids were at #1 FMQ and lunch with Nicola Sturgeon in the Parliament and at #2 breakfast with Lorraine Kelly at the Wolseley.  Not sure what that says about anything!

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