Monument to Dutch Independence

BACKflip to Vienna!

Shot taken in The Hague.  Erected in the 19th century.  Actually, we were first freed from the Spaniards (yup, the same Philip II who colonized the Philippines and in whose honour the Philippine islands were named) in 1648 with the Treaty of Munster after the 80 Years' War, but then came the French when Napoleon came to power.  This monument was created decades after the French left, by Willem II.  Willem II was actually a great (about 5x) grand-nephew of William of Orange, the Father of the Nation.  Don't bother memorizing ... they're all 'Willems' and all of them Orange.

Had my seminar this afternoon; it was loads more enjoyable and loads more interesting than last week.  The topic today was Migration -- the causes and consequences; that plus more details on what we have to do for our final project.  As you can see ... a perfectly blue sky outside!  There was a marathon in The Hague which caused a mild traffic jam in the city and me to miss the sunset on the way home, but I didn't really mind.  Taking care not to overuse my arms today and hopefully this will mean much less discomfort in bed.

THANK YOU for all your comments and stars all week.  My apologies if I don't manage to comment much ... I have been often tired.

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