
By carliewired

End of the Season

The group is dwindling
I head home soon too, but with
plans for next season

~ carliewired

Our quilting group just keeps getting smaller. We're coming to the end of the winter season in Yuma. Some winter visitors are already heading home. 

I found a delectable rose fabric at a bargain price so I've cut 8 inch blocks at home to bring for donation. I added a navy, a pink and a limey green for the zinger. I would like a pretty quilt to be in the works for someone somewhere while I take my leave. 

Ruth (who I find rather abrasive and I avoid at all costs usually) made a point of coming to me in the kitchen where I've been working alone since Helen left last November. (See Helen here.) She had to tell me  the ladies have commented that the quilt tops are all so pretty these days. I had to say that we only work from the donations, but she insisted that I have a 'talent' for putting fabric together in pleasing ways. I accepted her compliment, if not a little awkwardly. 

My photo of the quilting ladies shows Sandy turning a quilt and other sewing ladies at a long table. They are such a pleasant, willing group of ladies. We say our good-byes and hope that we will all be together again come the fall. 

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