Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Geoff and Sandy

Nowadays I often meet people I know in Hexham. This evening I took Mum to see the live streaming of The Hard Question by Tom Stoppard.  Brilliant, but contained a lot about research. It helped to know some of the theories beforehand.  Mum could not distinguish the speech, so missed it all. Outside the cinema we met Geoff and Sandy. They joined our walking group last year and have fitted in perfectly. They were off for a curry while the rest of the crowd headed to serious cerebral challenges!

I was up before with the lark to finish paperwork for this morning's committee.  We worked hard, checking the organisation of every walk.  All seems to be well in hand and the excitement is rising.

Then to Newcastle to see the orthopaedic surgeon. He says there is inflammation in my knee, he doesn't call it Aggie, and I have done too much too soon. Arghh!  I feel as though I have done very little indeed and nothing I was not advised to. More rest required with ice packs and anti-inflammatories.

Tomorrow should be a quieter day..........

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