The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The transformation of Badbrook Hall

I've been following this building' s progress from derelict to desirable for several years. From this

to this

to this

to what you see today.

[Apologies to anyone who clicked on the first link and found themselves in Berlin: I have no idea how that happened!]
While I have no desire to live there myself (far too close to work, and the main road) it's an interesting project, and one that will give future social historians something to talk about. It's part of my very occasional Gloucester Street (one street) series, as part of the side elevation of the building is in Gloucester street.

After work, I went climbing with Lea Anne. It was good to be back on the plastic rocks, because on Sunday I'd been accompanying my niece but unable to climb myself, as I had no belayer. I felt stretched and energised by the session tonight. Going once a week (and the really keen people do it at least 3 times a week) is definitely the way to make progress, however slight.

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