Looking Up Taylor's Stream Towards Winterslow

The third Tuesday of the month means Camera Club at Diamond Harbour, so today me and Mrs H (as well as the H-in-Laws - they had an event in the CBD) made the trip up the inland route to the Garden City and its environs.

After stopping at the Staveley Store and Cafe for lunch (one of our favourite haunts) we carried on up towards the Rakaia Gorge. As we passed over the Taylor's Stream I snapped this from the passenger seat, pointing my happy little travel companion - my Fuji X100s - towards the snow glowing on the Winterslow range in the background and the milky sunlight illuminating the late autumn colours of the river valley. As Rainie would put it, another 'drive by shooting', Horomaka style.

On days like these, Mid-Canterbury, in the shadow of the foothills, is a marvellous place to be.

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