A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

An English Summer Sunday

A gorgeous day today and we spent it at 'The Big Lunch' at Chipping Sodbury. A lovely Cotswold market town in South Gloucestershire with the central market square closed off for a very English summer event. I was told that Chipping actually meant market and cattle would have been sold here many years ago.

Our reason for going was that Grace was singing with her 'Cat's Pyjamas' group at 12.30 and 2.00 O'clock.

In the blue outfits they sing mainly ' 40 s Andrew's Sister style songs and a more broad mix in the other costumes.
It was hot and everyone was picnicking. There were stalls and fancy dress competitions, raffles and groups of youngsters singing too. Some people were dancing and there was a Samba Band from Bristol due to play at 3.00 but we had to leave after her gigs as I had to get to Gloucester to get the bus to take me to Birmingham for the train! (Sunday works on the line!)

Home now. I've had a super time and worn my sandals 3 days running! First time this year! Marking starts tomorrow - Ugh!

PS Grace is the one in the middle!

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