The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Leo and Anto

Or Leo Moran from the Saw Doctors and Anthony Thistlethawaite from the Waterboys, now performing together as Leo and Anto, at Stroud's own Subscription rooms!

Good gig, shame about the lighting. Got told off for accidentally flashing. Oops. I didn't buy a CD as I'd fogotten to bring spare cash, but may look online.

Otherwise, a busy day. Race for life in the morning with the nursery kids (we walked / played around the grounds several times, and my cruel boss made me a wear a pink dress from the kids' dressing up box! then a picnic lunch; more outdoor play; then whole-school sports day, but I did paperwork instead as I have some reports to do which have a deadline.

Flew home, did some more paperwork, got changed and went out; got to bed by 11, I think, and was up in time to finish the final report before work the next day (it's now Friday and I'm off to work in a minute). Long live the weekend!

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